WT-AG series Waterproof Junction Box, size of 170×140×95
Brevis Descriptio
Consilium in AG series IMPERVIUS arca simplex est et practica, cum pulchra specie. Processus vestibulum antecedens adoptat ut qualitatem et fidem operis curet. Eodem tempore etiam habet functiones pulverulentas, impulsus, et anti-concursus, quae efficaciter tueri possunt res internas ab influxu ambitus externi.
Overall, the AG series waterproofof box is a powerful and late adapted product. IMPERVIUS effectus, congruus amplitudo, et summus qualitas processus fabricandi, eamque optimam electionem faciunt ad rerum tutelam tutandam. Utrum ludi velit, peregrinationem, vel vitam cotidianam, ag series IMPERVIUS capsa certa tutelae praebere potest, ac res tuas omni tempore incolumes servare.
Product Details

Technical Parameter
Modelcode (w×H | (KG) | Qly/Carton | (cm) | Modelcode | (KG) | (只) | (cm) |
WT-AG 65×50×55 | 21.5/20,0 | 300 | 51.5x40×31 | WT-AG 200×150×130 | 16.6115.1 | 30 | 67.5×41×47 |
WT-AG95×65×55 | 25.1/23.6 | 240 | 49.5×40.5×46.5 | WT-AG 200×200×95 | 18.5/17.0 | 30 | 62×41×51 |
WT-AG100×100×75 | 20.4/18.9 | 100 | 52×41.5×40.5 | WT-AG 200×200×130 | 14.6113.1 | 20 | 67.5×41×42 |
WT-AG110x80×45 | 24.3/22.8 | 200 | 56.5×41.5x38.5 | WT-AG 250×80×70 | 15.7/14.2 | 50 | 52×41x36 |
WT-AG110×80×70 | 17/15.5 | 10o | 47x41×38 | WT-AG 250×80×85 | 18.8/17.3 | 50 | 52×41×45.5 |
WT-AG110×80×85 | 19.7/18.2 | 100 | 57×33.5×45 | WT-AG 250×150×100 | 11.5/10.0 | 20 | 51.5×31×53 |
WT-AG125×125×75 | 16.6/15.1 | 60 | 52×39.5×39.5 | WT-AG 250×150×130 | 17.1/15.6 | 3o | 67.5x46.5×52 |
WT-AG125×125×100 | 19.4/17,9 | 60 | 52×39.5×52 | WT-AG 280× 190×130 | 19.7/18.2 | 20 | 68 39.5×57.5 |
WT-AG 130×80×70 | 21.4/19.9 | 120 | 54×41.5×45 | WT-AG 280×190×180 | 14.5/13.0 | 12 | 57.5×39.5x56.5 |
WT-AG130×8O×85 | 21.5/20 | 10o | 54×41.5×45 | WT-AG 280 x280 ×130 | 13.4/11.9 | 10 | 68×29×.57.5 |
WT-AG160×80×55 | 22.2120,7 | 120 | 59.5× 34×43 | WT-AG 280x280×180 | 6.9/5.4 | 4 | 57.5×29×37.5 |
WT-AG160×80×95 | 15.4/13.9 | 60 | 51.5×33.5×50.5 | WT-AG340×280×130 | 14.9/13.4 | 10 | 67x35x57 |
WT-AG170×140×95 | 21.1/19.6 | 60 | 57.5×52×49.5 | WT-AG 340×280×180 | 7.9/6,4 | 4 | 57.5×35×37.5 |
WT-AG175x125×75 | 17.0/15.5 | 50 | 54×52.5×32 | WT-AG 380x190×130 | 15.6114,1 | 12 | 59×39×55 |
WT-AG 175x125x100 | 11.9/10,4 | 30 | 52,5×36×39.5 | WT-AG 380×190×180 | 18/16.5 | 9 | 59×39×56.5 |
WT-AG175×175×100 | 14.4/12.9 | 3o | 54.5×37×.53.5 | WT-AG 380 x280×130 | 9.8/8,3 | 6 | 57.5x39x41.5 |
WT-AG180x80×70 | 20.4/18.9 | 9o | 56×41x46 | WT-AG 380 x280x180 | 8.0/6.5 | 4 | 57.5×39x 37.5 |
WT-AG 200×150×100 | 19.5/18 | 20 | 54×31×42 |